Request a booking to use our church or premises

The church sanctuary, sports hall, or two smaller meeting rooms are available.


rent out our premises
Pessu wedding
Lou and Jackie getting married
church hall
sports hall

Our church is available for christenings, weddings (traditional and same-sex), and funerals. Rev Andy, our Minister, will work with you to make sure you have the service that best reflects your beliefs and culture within a broadly Christian framework.

Our premises can be rented for groups, workshops, or events (bear in mind Methodist rules do not allow alcohol on the premises). The church sanctuary, the sports hall, or the two smaller meeting rooms are available.

Our sports hall is also available on Saturdays for children’s parties. A party session runs up to three hours with use of kitchen, tables and sound system. Yes, our hall will accommodate a bouncy castle*, or a bunch of reptiles if needed.

*We do NOT sell or include bouncy castles with the hire of our premises.

church hall
sports hall

Booking enquiry

If you would like to enquire about making a booking or renting our premises, please fill out your details below. Alternatively, you can call the church office on 01273 324600.

Quote of the Day

This Sunday

© 2025 Hove Methodist Church